
Set up, an open-source client area for managing Pterodactyl servers. Follow the steps below to integrate it with your Pterodactyl instance quickly.

It is beneficial to have some prior knowledge of Linux and MariaDB before starting this installation, as this will help ensure a smoother setup process.

Please note, this project is currently in an early version (0.x.x) and may contain bugs. Use it at your own risk.


To install and run, you'll need to have the following dependencies installed on your system:

PHP and Extensions

  • PHP 8.2 or higher

  • Required PHP extensions:

    • cli

    • ctype

    • iconv

    • mysql

    • pdo

    • mbstring

    • tokenizer

    • bcmath

    • xml

    • curl

    • zip

    • intl

    • fpm (if using NGINX)


  • MySQL 5.7.22 or higher (MySQL 8 recommended) OR

  • MariaDB 10.2 or higher

Additional Tools

  • Git

  • Composer v2 (Dependency Manager for PHP)

  • Curl

  • Tar

  • Unzip

Example Dependency Installation

Below is an example of how you might install the required dependencies on a Debian or Ubuntu-based system. These commands assume you're using PHP 8.2 and installing MariaDB and NGINX:

# Add "add-apt-repository" command
apt -y install software-properties-common curl apt-transport-https ca-certificates gnupg

# Add additional repositories for PHP and MariaDB (for Debian 11 and Ubuntu 22.04)
LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 add-apt-repository -y ppa:ondrej/php
curl -sS | sudo bash

# Update repositories list
apt update

# Add universe repository if you are on Ubuntu 18.04
apt-add-repository universe

# Install Dependencies
apt -y install php8.2 php8.2-{cli,ctype,iconv,mysql,pdo,mbstring,tokenizer,bcmath,xml,intl,fpm,curl,zip} mariadb-server nginx tar unzip git


If you already have Composer installed, you can skip this step!

Composer is a powerful dependency manager for PHP. It allows us to handle and install all the necessary libraries and packages that your project needs. Before proceeding, make sure you have Composer installed on your server.

To install Composer globally, run the following command:

curl -sS | php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer

This will install Composer globally on your machine, making it accessible from anywhere by running the composer command.

Once installed, verify it by running:

composer -v

This should print the installed Composer version.

Download Files

The first step to getting running is to set up the directory where the panel will be installed. You will then clone the repository directly from our GitHub and install required composer dependencies.

Clone repository

Here’s an example of how to create a directory for the panel and navigate into it:

# Create a directory for PteroCA and move into it
mkdir -p /var/www/pteroca && cd /var/www/pteroca

# Clone the PteroCA repository into the newly created directory
git clone ./

# Install composer dependecies
composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader

This command will create a new folder at /var/www/pteroca, clone the PteroCA codebase, and place all the necessary files into this directory.

Once the repository is cloned, you're ready to proceed with the setup process.

Set permissions

The final step in the installation process is to set the correct permissions on project files. This ensures that the web server can properly read and write to the necessary directories, such as logs, cache, and file uploads.

Set ownership

You should restrict web server ownership only to the directories that require write access, such as var/ and public/uploads/. This helps to avoid exposing sensitive files to unnecessary access.

# NGINX or Apache on Ubuntu/Debian (or similar):
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/pteroca/var/ /var/www/pteroca/public/uploads/

# NGINX on CentOS:
chown -R nginx:nginx /var/www/pteroca/var/ /var/www/pteroca/public/uploads/

# Apache on CentOS:
chown -R apache:apache /var/www/pteroca/var/ /var/www/pteroca/public/uploads/

This ensures that only the directories requiring write access (var/ and public/uploads/) are owned by the web server user, while the rest of the project remains protected.

Set permissions

Now, set the correct permissions for these directories, allowing the web server to write to them.

chmod -R 775 /var/www/pteroca/var/ /var/www/pteroca/public/uploads/

This ensures that the web server user can read, write, and execute in these directories, while other users can only read and execute.

Next step

Once the installation is complete, proceed to the Basic Configuration section to set up your PteroCA environment and integrate it with your Pterodactyl panel.

Last updated