Learn more about customizing the PteroCA panel.
You can customize the PteroCA panel in various ways. To do so, expand the Settings menu in the left-hand navigation on your administrator account and select the appropriate tab. Depending on which tab you choose, the following settings will appear:
1. Appearance
Below are the settings you can adjust to personalize your panel’s look and feel:
Site Logo Set the main logo displayed in the header or navigation bar.
Favicon Upload a small icon that appears in browser tabs.
Current Theme of the Panel Switch between available themes (added in v0.4)
Default Primary Theme Color Choose the main accent color for the interface.
Default Dark Primary Theme Color Specify the accent color used in dark mode.
Enable MOTD Message Toggle a "Message of the Day" that displays on the user dashboard.
MOTD Message Title Set the title for your MOTD (dashboard).
MOTD Message Provide the main content or announcement you want users to see.
2. General
This tab contains general settings for the PteroCA ecosystem.
Site URL Defines the primary address for accessing the panel. Make sure it reflects the domain or IP where users will log in.
Site Title Sets the title that appears in the browser tab and other references throughout the panel.
Interface Language Chooses the default language for the panel’s interface, affecting system text and labels.
Enable Automatic Deletion of Suspended Servers When enabled, servers that are not renewed will be automatically removed after a specified grace period.
Number of Days After Suspension Determines how many days a server remains suspended before it is permanently deleted.
Show PHPMyAdmin Link Toggles the visibility of a shortcut link to phpMyAdmin within the panel.
phpMyAdmin URL Sets the direct URL for accessing phpMyAdmin, allowing quick database management from the panel.
3. Pterodactyl
On this page, you can find all the settings for your Pterodactyl instance.
Pterodactyl Panel URL The main URL of your Pterodactyl installation. Ensure this matches the domain or subdomain where Pterodactyl is accessible.
Pterodactyl API Key An API key that allows the PteroCA panel to communicate with Pterodactyl for server management tasks.
Use Pterodactyl Panel as Server Management Panel When enabled, all server management actions (start, stop, console access, etc.) occur directly in Pterodactyl. This setting disables the corresponding features within PteroCA.
Enable Single Sign-On Login with Pterodactyl Activates seamless SSO for users, letting them log into the Pterodactyl panel from PteroCA without entering separate credentials (added in v0.4).
Pterodactyl SSO Login Secret Key A secret key required for secure Single Sign-On functionality. Must be set if SSO is enabled.
4. Security
Security settings that include email verification, CAPTCHA, and terms of service.
Require Email Verification When enabled, newly registered users must verify their email address before gaining full access to the panel, helping reduce spam and unauthorized accounts.
Terms of Service Page Content Sets the text shown on the Terms of Service page. Use this field to outline rules, legal disclaimers, and usage policies.
Require Google reCAPTCHA Verification When active, users must complete a reCAPTCHA challenge at login or registration, adding an extra layer of protection against bots.
Google reCAPTCHA Site Key and Secret Key Credentials needed to enable reCAPTCHA. The site key is used in your front-end, while the secret key validates the challenge response on your server.
5. Payment
Currency and payment gateway settings.
Internal Currency Name The internal reference for the currency used in your panel (e.g., USD).
Currency Name The display name of the currency shown to users at checkout or on invoices.
Stripe Secret Key Your private key from Stripe, allowing secure payment processing and integration.
Stripe Payment Methods A comma-separated list of payment methods supported by your Stripe account (e.g.,
6. Email
Settings related to email.
SMTP Server The address of the mail server used to send emails from the panel.
SMTP Port The port number used to connect to the SMTP server.
SMTP Username The username required for authenticating with the mail server.
SMTP Password The password for the specified SMTP username.
Sender Email Address The default “From” address shown in outgoing emails sent by the panel.
Last updated